Councillor Steve Count

Personal news and views from the Conservative Leader of the opposition at Cambridgeshire County Council

Weeds are destroying our Towns and Villages

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I am sure you have become aware recently of the dreadful state of our roads, pavements and cycleways due to weeds. This is entirely due to a change in policy the current joint administration forced through in February of this year. As part of that change they promised to engage with Parishes and Towns, but we have seen no evidence of that at all. The County Council have stopped all cyclic weedkilling (ie annual spraying) as well as spraying before laying new surfaces such as slurry on footpaths. Residents across the county have asked us what we can do about it and we (the Conservative group) will present a motion to full council on October 17th. If you agree that the state of our roads, paths and cycleways are unacceptable and getting worse due to weeds can I ask for your help, by clicking the link below and signing the petition, as well as circulating as widely as possible.

Almost new footpath not sprayed beforehand, wasting your Taxpayers money!

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